New No-Cost WebEOC Board released by Juvare to track COVID-19 cases at the jurisdictional level




Transforming Safety and Efficiency.

WebEOC for Business Continuity

Adaptable Enterprise Resilience Solutions for Lasting Success.

2024 Interop

Meeting of the minds at Interop 2024.

webeoc board to track covid cases

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to push public health and emergency management agencies to maximize situational awareness in the jurisdictions they serve. The situation is so fluid that change is happening by the hour, or at times, by the minute. Real time situational awareness is a major challenge but it’s crucial, so that nothing falls through the cracks.

At Juvare, we’re here every step of the way – offering support and assistance to help exchange vital information and navigate through this public health storm.

To assist our clients with situational awareness, preparedness, and response related to this public health crisis, the Juvare team has developed a WebEOC board (compatible with WebEOC versions 8.4 and higher) which can be downloaded at no cost to current WebEOC subscribers, which will allow you to track:

  • Number of Coronavirus cases in your jurisdiction(s) broken down by:
    • Presumptive cases
    • Confirmed cases
    • Fatalities
    • Recovered
  • Number of Quarantined – Mandatory and Voluntary
  • Number of individuals Hospitalized
  • Notes about cases per jurisdiction
  • Case summaries and totals in a scalable dashboard view

Below, you can find two helpful links if you would like to know more:

Click here for a download of the board at no cost. (for current WebEOC subscribers)

WebEOC is the industry-standard technology platform for emergency management agencies across the United States, to help organizations prepare and respond to incidents of any kind, including natural disasters, incidents of violence or terrorism, or pandemics such as COVID-19 and others. Several Juvare solutions, including WebEOC, were heavily utilized in previous infectious disease outbreak preparedness efforts including: H1N1 (Swine Flu), H5N9 (Avian Flu), SARS, and Ebola (EVD) outbreaks.


If you have any questions, please  contact our Support team at 877.771.0911, email [email protected], or reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly should additional support or assistance be needed.




WebEOC Nexus

Juvare SaaS Solution.

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WebEOC is your comprehensive tool for ensuring a smooth and transparent election.


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