Critical Incident Management in State and Local Government

Stay connected and share vital information with local communities in times of crisis.

Juvare Serves State and Local Agencies Across All 50 States

State and local agencies must reliably stay connected with communities in real time. Juvare helps agencies ensure effective bi-directional information sharing and efficient allocation of resources and remove disparate data silos for improved collaboration. Use data to assess risk and threats, locate responders and manage volunteers, auto-launch communications and notifications, track response progress and ensure effective recovery following an incident.


Common Operating Picture

Provide a critical overview of every incident along with granular views of critical data. Configurability to match your business rules, workflows, and mapping enable you to drill down so you can get the information you want to see, when you want to see it.

two employees in a security and emergency operations center

Precise Data

Respond effectively to different types of incidents, with different resources, at different times. Precise, up-to-the-minute data at your fingertips enables state and local authorities to respond effectively, knowing no event is the same. Get the right information to those who need it right away.

location markers popping up over an evening city skyline

Contact Tracing and Case Management

Monitor individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 or are confirmed to have contracted the virus and are able to self-quarantine at home. The Juvare Contact Tracing and Case Management solution is built on our industry-leading WebEOC platform which provides scalability and offers the highest control around privacy standards.

digital representation of people connected by lines


Manage multi-disciplinary large-scale events, support hospitals, track blood products, and poll hospital bed availability. Report on emergency department status, gain National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) support, as well as track ambulance fleets and EMTs using interactive GIS mapping.

eoc emergency operations center with webeoc screenshots on monitors

Additional Features

Day-to-Day Operations

Stay sharp, trained and prepared by using Juvare Government Solutions every day. Managing a variety of projects, events and incidents on a daily basis helps responders and system users switch to emergency response quickly and effectively when unexpected events occur.

Processes and Workflows

Optimize processes and workflows. Leverage Juvare customer best practices and lessons learned to make more informed decisions about topics like how to dispatch a resource faster, eliminate bottlenecks and improve the routing of information.

Crisis Situations

Juvare has a long track record helping government officials respond to emergency events of all kinds. With critical event expertise managing large scale events, Juvare employees work side-by-side with our customers in deployments, managing systems to offer relief users often need during difficult times.

5 Steps for Emergency Preparedness

Learn how you can prepare for the unexpected with these 5 useful emergency preparedness tips.

State and Local Solutions

Emergency Management Technology – Powered by Juvare Exchange

Prepare for and respond to emergencies with the world’s most widely-used, battle-tested incident management technology in the industry.

WebEOC scales for customers of any size, with bi-directional data sharing and common workflows which leads to greater collaboration, resulting in faster response and recovery, and more resilient corporations.

Powered by WebEOC

Monitor individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 or are confirmed to have contracted the virus and are able to self-quarantine at home. The Juvare Contact Tracing and Case Management solution is built on our industry-leading WebEOC platform which provides scalability and offers the highest control around privacy standards.

Contact Us To Learn More About Juvare State and Local Solutions

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