Available Add-on Boards

Additional Boards 

WebEOC Boards

Air and Cruise
Facility Status with WeatherOptics
Simulation Deck

Achieve unmatched efficiency and elegance with our State and Local Board Set, offering ready-to-use workflows for swift, effortless operational optimization. Fully optimized for mobile responsiveness, this suite features an intuitive UI with cutting-edge emergency and daily workflows, sophisticated dashboards, and an expanded selection of map-enabled boards.

Modern aesthetics and advanced information architecture ensure a seamless experience for monitoring developments and coordinating responses with precision. Innovative UI elements such as slide-out panels, advanced search and filter tools, enhanced map zoom, and streamlined navigation tabs make access and navigation effortless.

Effortlessly edit details without leaving the list view, explore data with pinpoint accuracy, and engage in map-centric record management with ease. Redesigned dashboards present key metrics across all devices, offering a comprehensive view while enabling interactive data exploration with a simple tap.

This out-of-the-box board set empowers you to streamline operations instantly. Beyond emergency management, it supports a wide range of daily use cases and automation. Each meticulously curated board is crafted from years of expertise and best practices to elevate both your daily operations and emergency management capabilities with unmatched efficiency and control.

Discover how WebEOC can transform your business